Oh man, this is like the fight I've been waiting for. Master VS Student. NARUTO manga has finally reached the point of pitting the two coolest characters in the story.
Sasuke just finished battling DANZO who was the new HOKAGE and Sasuke won and killed DANZO off. Kakashi, who was on his way to stop SAKURA from trying to kill SASUKE on her own, has finally caught up only to find her almost being killed by SASUKE. KAKASHI manages to stop SASUKE in the last moment and decides it is his responsibility as SASUKE's mentor to stop his student. This reminded KAKASHI of the battle of MASTER vs STUDENT, The 3rd HOKAGE vs OROCHIMARU and he commented "..now I know how the SANDAIME(3rd Hokage) felt." Sasuke retorted with a smirk and said,"Then I guess.. your fate will be the same as his.."
NOTE: The 3rd Hokage died in the battle against OROCHIMARU.
+ Sasuke has already improved his Sharingan surpassing that of Itachi's. And if we recall the encounter of KAKASHI vs ITACHI, it was KAKASHI who was confined to the hospital and didn't get to do much to fight back.
+ Kakashi only has 1 eye for a Sharingan and since he isn't really an Uchiha, even with Mangekyo I'm not sure he can match SASUKE's eye techniques which were transferred to him from ITACHI before dying.
+ Sasuke has already surpassed OROCHIMARU and if we recall KAKASHI was never able to defeat OROCHIMARU.
+ KAKASHI's experience gives him a bit of advantage and since SASUKE just came from a difficult battle KAKASHI might be able to use that to his advantage.
+ Lastly, KAKASHI has already died once in the series but was luckily revived thanks to NARUTO's efforts. So it wouldn't be surprising if the author decides that the best way for KAKSHI to die is by the hands of his own student. Like the fate of The 3rd Hokage and Jiraiya.
This development got me so excited I couldn't help but make a post about it. Whatever the result might be I'm sure we're in for a great battle.