Now I've been playing FATE/STAY NIGHT PC game for the past month now. I know it's an old game and it's night quite the genre I was into but my brother got me started on it and... Maybe that's a story for another blog. Anyway...
The second scenario of FATE/STAY NIGHT, Unlimited Blade Works, gets an ANIME treatment, not a series but a movie! Hoo-ha! The first scenario got me really, really bored. But unlimited blade works makes it all worth it.
The poster doesn't say much though but if you've watched the anime you'll know that UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS is the Noble Phantasm of Archer, one of the more interesting and mysterious characters in the story. All the servants' identities were all heroes from the past, some popular, some not so popular (e.g Berserker=Hercules)but archer is not a hero you will find in history books, nor is he even a hero from the past. Hints were given in the first scenario and in the anime series but UBW tells it all.
The tragic story of the servant ARCHER.
Have you you played FATE/STAY NIGHT or just watched the anime?
What scenario do you think was better: FATE, UBW, or HEAVEN'S FEEL?
Unlimited Blade Works is set for a January 23, 2010 release.