The biggest gathering of anime enthusiasts happened last weekend in Singapore.
Some of the popular names in the Anime commmunity were there. May'n, the singing voice of Sheryl Nome in Macross Frontier, Yoshiki Fuyuki the voice of Nekki Basara in Macross 7 also the guy who sung the OP theme for Busou Renkin. There were also the K-On girls. Danny Choo, the most popular japanese lifestyle blogger whose blog is visited by over 2 million people daily from around the world. And ofcourse there's Alodia and her sister Ashley who competed for the Philippine Cosplay team in the AFA'09 Cosplay Competition. One of the competition's judge was Kaname, who I just recently found out was a very popular cosplayer in Japan. And I can't believe I wasn't there! I thought seeing Alodia and Hard Gay back in Shizen Orchestra was so cool. But knowing these personalities were all together in the same event makes me fell sad that I couldn't get to go. Well, Singapore is so, so far away. Probably in a few years I'll get to attend but i'm not sure It'll be as exciting as this year. Afterall, it's only this time around that the Philippines "cosplay queen" Alodia, gets to compete for our country. We could've won. I mean the winning team wasn't all that great either.
AFA 09 Team Philippines Witchblade Performance
AFA 09 Team Singapore Performance - the winning team