I just finished reading Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad". I've been seeing this book in stores for quite a while. The title never really got me interested enough to buy it.
A few days ago got myself a copy of the book. I wasn't too busy these past few days so I said what the heck, I'll start reading it.
To make it short, I was hooked and I finished reading the book the same day I started reading it.
The book was about the author's principles in getting wealthy...
His real dad, who had a Ph.D, was the poor dad. And his bestfriend's dad, who never finished grade school, was the rich dad and became is financial mentor when he was young.
The author talks about secrets of the rich and the different midset of the poor, middle class , and the rich.
For those who know me, I didn't finish college. I had doubts about finishing it because I knew some of the wealthiest men in the world did not finish a formal education. I stood by that principle for years now, but I'm met with objection everytime I talk about it with someone.
What I like about this book is that it reconciles formal education and getting rich. That what's wrong with the current educational system is that it teaches kids how to be employees instead of how to become the employers. But if you change the midset of the students that they should not go to school to "get a job", but instead they should go to school to learn to run a business. In short, the current educational system teaches you to be middleclass.
The keyword in the entire book is "Financial Literacy". Mastering money instead of being a slave to it. Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Like I said, I finished the book in a day. It was an amazing read. The way it's written is in a narrative form. And it uses prose as a media. This book can easily be turned into a movie!
I'd recommend this book to anyone, although I don't think a lot of people will agree with it's contents and with rich dad's principles, but if anything else, it's a great story.
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