I just suddenly recalled the flood victims.. I get all depressed whenever I remember them. My wife's relatives in Marikina were also affected after being flooded up to the second floor their house and people crossing and holding on electrical lines to survive. The families of two of her brothers are still staying in evacuation centers and dependent on relief goods.
I also feel bad about how people who are trying to do their best to help the victims are the ones being attacked verbally by the ones they're trying to help, and also being criticized online.
Ashley Gosiengfiao, sister of popular Cosplayer Alodia wrote on her blog about the incident:
"It felt really good to be able to help. Seeing the people's predicament and how they
really needed our help made me feel like crying.
But even though that final incident occurred, the ransacking of the vehicles and the
throwing of hurtful words by some of the people who weren't able to receive anything,
even if it did discourage my team a lot, I guess it didn't stop us from feeling satisfied that we got to help nonetheless."
Her blog:orangeish.deviantart.com
We're all proud you and your team's efforts ms. Ashley. Keep up the good work!
Which is more then what I can say for myself. The only help I've done so far was give a few kilos of rice as my share of donation for my company's relief effort. I'll be going to marikina with my wife on wednesday. Since 13th month pay comes early for me this year, we decided to see what we can do to help in any way we can.
So for now all I can do is help my wife finish her school projects. It's weird but I'm seriously enjoying it. It's kinda cool being married to a college student.
What experiences have you had in helping flood victims?
Do you miss those college school projects? I do. hehe..