I got this idea from Mr. Danny Choo. Great guy. It's when he writes his Photowalk articles that he express his thought and ideas about a lot of things.
Although there were lots of nice places in this mall, my favorite spot has always been the foodcourt. You can sit down for free without having to order anything, and you can get free drinks of water. Bottled water costs 15-20 pesos in the mall. I feel so poor all of a sudden. >_<;
It was just a little over year ago when I felt really sorry for myself. I grew up around this area. This mall was my hang-out since I was in highschool. That was like, more than ten years ago. I felt like there was no progress in my life. Nothing's changed. Because of wrong decisions I've lost everything I worked hard for and lost all hope of this getting any better. I'm stuck in this place.
But after all this time things started getting better. I saw my life in the old mall. They started renovating just recently. Making it look more like Mall of Asia. I felt hope. My life also started to feel better.
Old bad, self-destructive habits were gone,
I felt new. I felt peace. I'm happy with my family.
Before, all I thought about was all the pleasurable things in life. Which was bad for me. The more I tried to please myself the more I started to hate myself.
But things started to change for me just recently. I started to appreciate life in a different way. I decided not to be a slave of pleasure. Not to waste any money on entertainment.
I was surprised how much anime and food I could get for free even though I had so little money.
I read in the Bible before that the "poor are blessed." And that "all thing work for good for those who believe in the Lord". I never realised it's true meaning until I felt the hardship of work and supporting my own family. It's a trully remarkable experience.