Anyway I finally got my bro started on blogging. See he works in an Internet Shop owned by our parents so most of his time is spent on the internet. His work is perfect for blogging I thought. So I taught him the basics.. That was just last week. Now I think his blogs look better than mine and the content seems more interesting than mine!
Check out his blogs. He's already managing 3 in just 1 week! = his Otaku blog = his personal blog
I always thought of blogging as an RPG game. Writing content is like fighting monsters to level up, and all the other blogging tools are weapons you can use to level up faster. My bro is a genius when it comes to RPG video games. I should've expected him to get the hang of this faster than I did when I first started blogging. The way he's going, he'll have more content and a better looking blog than I do. Geez.. Talk about beating your own mentor. Lol!
My bro's secret identity... don't tell anyone okay?