***Start Watching at 3:19***
In this interview with Senator Aquino (soon to be president), he stated that one of his platforms was to change the current educational system.
We will overhaul basic education by having universal pre-schooling and strengthening our basic education system to a 12-year cycle.
In short, preschool will be mandatory before going into grade one. And grade school will probably be extended to 7th grade, and High school will be made 5 years. So instead of being able to finish elementary and high school in 10 years, Mr. Aquino here wants to add 2 more years to the already long enough labor of primary education...
Personally, I would've preferred it if he were to shorten the span of Elementary and High School. I feel the majority of the Filipino people suffer from too much expenses in tuition fees, allowances, School Supplies and uniforms. Tons of unnecessary expenses for things our children don't even NEED to learn.
On the personal side, I have 2 kids that will be elementary students during the reign of the next presidency. Having them study for 2 more extra years will be a burden in every aspect imaginable. I'm sure that I won't be the only parent who feels this way.
So if Senator Aquino does win this election, which seems like he has already, I hope this will be one of the first promises he breaks, along with the promise of ending poverty by ending corruption (both being an incurable cancer of society even in wealthy countries, but I'll talk about that some other time.)The sad part is that among all his promises, this extension of formal education seems to be the easiest to pass.
For people who came from wealthy families, this proposal might sound logical, but for the not so wealthy, two more years of high expenses is just more hard work. This also reminds me of the people who let the E-vat pass that was made only to burden the poor and middle class instead of the wealthy. (Also the reason why I didn't vote for Recto.)
So did you know this small fact before you voted for Mr. Aquino?
I hope you're not already regretting your decision.
If you did vote for him when you knew he planned this, shame on you. Try paying for our children's tuition fees and school expenses for 2 years, let's see how you like it much!
Well... Aquino is an idiot,depressed,with maladjusted childhood personality just like his sister Cris. They still lived the trauma of their father's death and imprisonment, and it always shows on their personality. However, this does not take off any shin of good stuff such as honesty and non-corruptness that he claims, so far people are believing. Lee Kwan Yu of Singapore was a very good president. As compared to Aquino, Lee has neither one of those goodness that Aquino claims, Lee is a double bladed sword, a Machiavelian in nature, a diciplinarian with a reformed communist background. I'm afraid that this country is just beating around the bush with all of this hoopla of the new president to be Aquino. In other words, going back to retrogression just like his mother which has the worst history of ecnomic recovery.
Instead on lengthening high-school and grade school it would've been better if they "capsulized" those cluttered subjects in public schools into accurate and concise subjects plans. Same 6 years in grade school. But updated subjects. Public schools, as I know are almost free.
On the other hand for people who can really afford it, it's actually a good plan IF they do update those subjects they teach. I've talked to people from other countries, and they make fun of the Philippines' 18th century education. Some schools in the Philippines teach from books that were published a decade ago. Now if they were to shorten the period of education, what's really the point of going to school with all those old books?
Personally, I won't really feel the gravity of this, though I know that it's just a matter of responsibility on everyone's side. Parents and politicians alike.
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