
Sunday, October 3, 2010

New job, new friends, and a new dog

After a few short relaxing weeks I've got myself a job again and I'm off to training and gathering requirements.
I applied for Convergys since it's just in TechnoHub and it's closer to home. Unfortunately the training takes place all the way in Makati at the Insular Building. So that's twice the distance and kinda defeats the purpose why I chose Convergys in the first place. The pay isn't too bad though. I just need to figure out how to complete some of my requirements while I'm still bankrupt.

New Friends
It's fine though. I've met new friends whom I seem to get along well with so far. There are quite a number of females in this batch. That's quite something for a tech support account which is usually dominated by males. We also have a 56 year old guy. We cal him ART (short for Arturo) He used to be a Advertising Writer but he said the callcenter business pays more and he's all in it for the money. A very honest fellow. 

The CCT trainer is also quite the character. ANTONIO EDUARDO ENPIANADO CHAVEZ sounds like a name out of a teletenovela but he's ahh... err.. a bit difficult to describe. He calls himself ANTHOS (w/c means Flower). Wears a trench-coat with his business attire. He looks gay at first but he does have a girlfriend. His favorite motto is "Life has no meaning.." and, on the first day, he entered the room carrying a coffin shaped box that has DEAD DOLLS written on it. This creeped us all out at first but the mood gets lighter as he starts to smile more often now and crack jokes every now and then.

New Dog
It's been a week now since the training started and I'm enjoying my rest day. I'm starting to miss the rest days. My nephew passed by the other day and gave us a puppy. It's of any breed that I know but his legs are bent outwards like a Bull dog and his fur resembles that of a German shepherd but the black areas are a bit gray. So i'll probably call him GRAY like the one from Fairy Tail. He's bigger than most puppies. I have to figure out how to take care of him though since I'm not a pet person but I don't want him to die like our last puppy, GOOGLE. A dead puppy is really hard on conscience. It's something I wouldn't want to happen again. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Technohub? What a freaky coincidence. - Meet Millions Bloggers