
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Change of plans

Time for a change in plan. Going straight to entrep' route was way over my head. So this time try to go for a round about route. Bo Sanchez after all did say that I should specialize rather than diversify so I guess for now I'll just stick to my job for now. Multiple failures could be a little depressing. At least I do phone troubleshooting better than most people and it makes me feel good every time I get to help someone out.


I've never been good at selling. Back at DELL my scores were one of the lowest when it comes to sales. But that was probable because I wasn't very satisfied with DELL's quality when it came to their products. Their computers break down too easily even brand new ones.

When I started at HP to my surprise most of the calls were just HOW TO's. Not much troubleshooting to be done. That shows how reliable HP products are. Some of my callers have printers dating back 10 years ago. Amazing these HP printers!

So I guess that's the first step why I've been having great scores with HP. The second was perhaps I learned the proper way to sell. I guess that's a new skill I've acquired for this year. Thank you dear God.

I guess getting it back was not as easy as I thought it would be. I made 3 blogs that got rejected. Sigh! and 2 more that aren't making much with Chitika and Nuffnang. Maybe I'm not a good enough blogger yet. I'll work on it more probably next week after salary. I almost forgot how great it was to have a regular salary every two weeks.

So I'm taking a break from Entrep' mindset and going back to basics. Let's see where this takes me.

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