
Monday, November 23, 2009

Overtimes should be banned!

Finally, after 3 weeks of constant Overtimes (even restday OT's!), I get to have a rest day. But of all the days my body decided to get sick today, my first rest day in 3 weeks! Thank you TELETECH for almost working me to death!

Sadly, the biggest events of the year just passed by without me getting to blog about them. Too much to blog and so little time:

*Manny Pacquiao wins his 7th world title.
*Manny Villar and Loren Legarda pair up.
*Gibo Teodoro and Edu Manzano too.
*I just got my first Credit Card!
*New moon sucked (as expected), but my wife loved it.
*Anime Festival Asia 2009 - The biggest anime con in ASEAN.
*Great anime's this season.
*Owl city - great music!
*Yoshiki Fukuyama - Voice behind some of anime's great OST.

Well, I finally got my Vacation leave approved on my B-day so i'll have all the time to go blogging. Whahaha! I feel so alive whenever I get to blog. No wonder I've been a bit edgy these past few days. I also missed the Mangaholix event. I wonder now if I should go to AME no Jidai, Domination 4, or Hero Nation.

What anicon event do you plan to go to before the year ends? >_<" - Meet Millions Bloggers