
Saturday, February 26, 2011

First week with HP

So how was my first week of taking calls for HP printer support?
I would say it went pretty well. I sold over $100 and resolved most of the calls. Had a 2-hour and a half call with a lady who though I didn't know what I was doing (which I really didn't) but finally got to fix her not printing Issue.

How was my sales?
I would say selling AVON again taught me a lot of good stuff when it comes to selling. I don't feel guilty about it anymore. When I was with Dell selling kinda made me feel guilty. I had the wrong impression when it came to money back then. Thanks to reading I learned that receiving money and selling isn't a bad thing. It's actually a good thing and can be seen as blessing of abundance. Thanks kuya Bo.

How's my christian life?
I'm doing a lot better than I did last year. I've been going to church more frequently now and am starting to get along with most church members. I met a brother who studied at AUP before but stopped going to church when he got married at an early age and had to work a lot for his family. He's only started going back recently and we shared trials and experiences with each other. Going to church really does fortify one's faith.

How's my blogs?
It's okay, not as good as my run last year, but in a few months I'm sure it'll all work out.

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