
Friday, February 4, 2011

The power of words

I was invited last week to give a small talk to our church during the vesper meeting Friday night. I was flattered and had no clue what to say since it's been years since I've spoken in church. Finally, with a lot of prayer, I ended up with a talk entitled,"The power of words in out lives". I didn't get much time to prepare so I did most of it impromptu with just the stock verses I had. Here's a quick outline.

-God created the world with just his spoken words. Since we were created in God's image we have inherited a bit of this power.
I. We can bless others through words
- Story of Esau and Jacob fighting over Isaac's blessings. (mere words?)
II. We can curse others through words.
- The only blessings left for Esau was that we would serve his brother.!
III.Scientific evidence of  the power of words. (Dr. Masaru Emoto)
IV. By their words you will know them.
V. Change your words, change your life.
VI. Words we say to our children.
V. Prayer.

And since this was my first time to speak in public for a very long time I'd say I pretty much sucked. To my own point of view anyway. But the message was more important than my delivery. I prayed to God long and hard that he use me during that talk.
Surprisingly, I received nothing but praises for that night. "It was so inspiring", "such an eye opener", "I didn't know you had that kind of talent".
I guess that's how God works. Even when you think you did things in a stupid way, perhaps that's exactly how he wants you to do it. What's best for you might be different than the best God has in mind for you.
The biggest surprise is that I'm invited to give another talk the next few months, this time during the main event of divine service with a bigger audience. *Gulp* I'm actually going to prepare better this time with power point slides and all. But I'll still depend on God on this one. Somehow I feel I always get the best results whenever I do things like this under divine supervision.

Happy Sabbath!

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