
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nice to know everyone is well!

My new sadistic looking trap!
The great thing about facebook is that you know exactly what people are up to and if they're doing great or if they're having the worst times in their life. And if facebook is not enough, some people I know even have they're own blogs which give you more detail than a mere facebook status. I'm glad everyone is doing well!

Goodbye levynlight!
I give up on levynlight. The arts got tiring after a while so there. I quit!

I have a new mousetrap!
Meanwhile, my mousehunt trap just got an upgrade. I only play this during my spare time and it fits me perfectly since all you do is click... (I'm so lazy)

Anyway, I guess I just want to say that even though it's a bit sad leaving my old friends at Clear,  It's great seeing the blog of a certain papurr feline. Hope to see more of your interesting posts! :P


Anonymous said...

Ang boring naman ng mousetrap mo. :P Wait til you see my MVMT.

†Krusnick_05† said...

Yeah, I saw it. Freaky mousetrap!

†Krusnick_05† said...

Sori naman, nag-iipon pa! =P - Meet Millions Bloggers